1.2 RFMO Participation
Initially Adopted
- October 26, 2011
Gear Type(s)
ISSF recognizes that effective monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing activities within each RFMO is necessary for appropriate management. In some regions, however, vessels flagged to nations that are neither members nor cooperating non-members of the relevant RFMO are fishing for tunas, and thus are falling outside the purview of the RFMO management system.
ISSF is committed to working to improve the performance of RFMOs in adopting, and member governments in complying with and enforcing, conservation and management measures and RFMO obligations. Processors, traders, importers, transporters, marketers and others involved in the seafood industry shall conduct transactions only with those vessels that are flagged to a member or cooperating non-member of the relevant RFMO (or have applied with the RFMO for such status), or if membership is not possible, flagged to an Invited Expert or another such designation established by the RFMO.
Conservation Measures
Participating Company Audit Protocol
PVR Audit Protocols
VOSI Audit Protocol
Compliance Reports