Apply to the PVR
Vessel owners who want to show how they are following best practices that support sustainable tuna fisheries can apply to have their vessels listed in ISSF’s ProActive Vessel Register (PVR).
There is no cost to register on the PVR, although some vessels may have costs associated with the auditing process. Some vessels may want to apply to be listed on both the PVR and the VOSI (Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives) public lists. The PVR application process is separate from the VOSI application process.
PVR Vessel Owners: Read this important November 2023 notice about changes in ISSF conservation measures and compliance requirements that affect you.
Information for Vessel Owners
Vessel owners who want to list vessels on the ProActive Vessel Register must:
- Read the PVR Terms and Conditions, which include sanctions for failing to provide required information
- Use the Vessel Removal Form to request removal of a vessel from the PVR
- Use the Vessel Replacement Form to request replacing a large-scale purse seine vessel listed on the ISSF Record of Large-Scale Purse-Seine Vessels with a new large-scale purse seine vessel
- Understand ISSF procedures for vessel delisting and relisting on the PVR
- Understand the PVR auditing process
This page explains the process for requesting ProActive Vessel Register (PVR) listings for vessels. To complete the application online, vessel owners should use the PVR Application Form.
Applicant completes contact information
Providing accurate contact information on your application form is crucial – not only during the initial application review process but also for our future communications with you (confirmation of vessel details, audit processes initiated, announcements of new applicable conservation measures, etc.).
Please make sure that all of your contact information is correct and complete.
Applicant adds their vessel name(s) and gear type(s)
Applicant adds individual details for each vessel on an application
By clicking on ADD/EDIT VESSEL INFO button on the form, a new tab will open to guide you through the whole application process for each vessel.
- Vessel Information
- Vessel Characteristics
- Best Practices Implementation
- Vessel File Upload
All vessel details must be documented. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Fields marked with (P) will appear on the PVR public list.
To help us to validate vessel information, in the “Vessel File Upload” window, you must
attach a copy of one of the following documents:
- Current Certificate of Registration (or flag state equivalent) for vessel
- Report by a marine surveyor of the vessel (e.g., as done for insurance or retrofitting
purposes) - Other documentation, as may have been done for insurance or related purposes,
which describes the vessel’s length, tonnage and/or capacity
Please note that it is compulsory to upload at least one of the above documents.
Are your vessel company’s policies for the issues below posted publicly on the Web?
- If so, provide the URLs in the “Best Practices Implementation” window of the application form.
- If they are NOT available publicly on the Web, attach the policy documents to the “Vessel File Upload” window of the application form. You can refer to the latest policy templates as an example.
- Anti-Shark Finning Policy (CM 3.1c)
All vessels - Non-Entangling FADs Policy (CM 3.5)
Purse Seine & Supply and Tender vessels - Best Practices for Sharks, Marine Turtles & Seabirds Policy (CM 3.6)
Large Scale Longline vessels(≥20m LOA) - FAD Management Policy (CM 3.7)
Purse Seine & Supply and Tender vessels
Large-scale purse seine vessels applying for the PVR must be already listed on the ISSF Record of Large-Scale Purse Seine Vessels.
If they are listed already on the Record, they can proceed with the application without submitting any additional evidence.
Vessels not already listed on the Record must provide appropriate information showing they (1) were actively fishing for tuna on or before December 31, 2012, and (2) otherwise comply with the provisions of the ISSF Conservation Measures on capacity reduction.
According to ISSF Conservation Measure on Skipper Best Practices (CM 3.4), vessel companies
must ensure that at least one of their skippers or other personnel in a leadership position on
board the vessel has/have:
- Attended an in-person ISSF Skippers Workshop, or
- Viewed the ISSF Skippers Workshop Video online (available only for purse seine
vessels), or - Reviewed the online ISSF Skippers Guidebook
Repeat Step 3 for each vessel that you’re including on an application. Ensure the information for each of the vessels is complete and click SUBMIT APPLICATION when finished.
ISSF performs initial application review
ISSF checks the application information and contacts you if anything is missing.
If an applying vessel is a large-scale purse-seiner, we confirm that it is on the ISFF Record of Large-Scale Purse Seine Vessels. If it is not already on the Record, we will determine its eligibility for the Record as described in Step 3.
ISSF performs in-depth application review
For each vessel, ISSF reviews IMO/UVI number, flag, region of operations, RFMO authorization,
gear type, vessel size (tonnage, capacity, length), radio call sign, year of build and port names.
We also verify that all information on a vessel company’s Fishing Best Practices Policies has
been submitted and complies with the latest requirements of ISSF Conservation Measures.
If application information differs from public sources, or if items are missing, ISSF will contact
you for additional information, which can delay final approval.
ISSF makes application decision
- ISSF notifies vessel contact of their decision via email.
- ISSF publishes the approved vessel’s name and details on the public PVR list.
- ISSF issues the “PVR Vessel Certificate” to the main contact listed on the form.
- Quick Links
PVR Application Form
PVR Terms & Conditions
Conservation Measures
Conservation Measure Update for PVR Vessel Owners (November 2023)
Vessel Resources
Vessel Removal Form [MS Word]
Vessel Replacement Form [MS Word]
Delisting or Relisting Procedure [PDF]
Delisted or Relisted Vessels [PDF]
Delisted & Relisted Vessels
ISSF maintains a list of vessels that have been delisted from or relisted on the PVR.
Vessel owners whose boats are registered on the PVR are responsible for notifying ISSF of vessel changes.