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Dr. Ana Parma Joins as New Member on the ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee; Daniel Suddaby Joins as New Member on the ISSF Environmental Stakeholder Committee

Pittsburgh, PA

ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee Appoints New Vice Chair Dr. Keith Sainsbury

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) is pleased to announce new members Dr. Ana Parma to the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and Daniel Suddaby to the Environmental Stakeholder Committee (ESC).

“We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Ana Parma to the SAC and are confident that her broad experience in fisheries, including tuna, will be vitally important in continuing our efforts to identify and advocate for sustainable fishing practices,” said Susan Jackson, ISSF President.

The ISSF SAC is a diverse group of leading experts in fisheries science and tuna populations who offer guidance on organizational research priorities and support the development of ISSF’s technical reports.

ISSF also welcomes Daniel Suddaby, Executive Director for the Global Tuna Alliance, as a new member to the ESC.

“Mr. Suddaby has two decades of experience that will prove greatly important to our collaborative work. We are thankful to have him be a part of our Environmental Stakeholder Committee and look forward to benefitting from his expertise in fisheries and marine conservation,” said Ms. Jackson.

The ESC comprises representatives from various conservation organizations who volunteer to share their expertise. The ESC, similar to ISSF’s SAC, provides advice to the ISSF Board of Directors on issues to consider before taking action on specific sustainability efforts, including the adoption of ISSF conservation measures.

New ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee (ESC) Vice Chair

ISSF is also pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Keith Sainsbury to Vice Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee.

“Dr. Sainsbury has extensive knowledge and experience in fisheries research and management as well as the Marine Stewardship Council and that lends itself well to our efforts, ” said Ms. Jackson. “He has been a valued member of the ISSF SAC for eight years and is well-deserving of this new appointment. “

About Dr. Ana Parma

Dr. Parma is an expert in fisheries modeling, assessment, and management. She earned a Ph.D. in fisheries at the School of Fisheries of the University of Washington. She worked for more than 10 years as an assessment scientist at the International Pacific Halibut Commission.

Currently, Dr. Parma is a research scientist with CONICET (the Argentine Council for Science and Technology), working at a coastal research center in Patagonia. She has worked on different aspects of fisheries modeling, assessment, and management of a diverse range of fisheries, from artisanal coastal fisheries targeting benthic shellfish to large-scale international fisheries targeting tunas. The main focus of her research has been on the evaluation and design of management strategies, attending to ecological and institutional dimensions, both in data-rich and in data- and capacity-limited contexts. She chairs the modelling group of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT), is a member of the Steering Committee of the bluefin tuna program at the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), and until recently was a member of the Science Council and Global Board of The Nature Conservancy.

About Daniel Suddaby

Mr. Suddaby currently serves as the Executive Director for the Global Tuna Alliance (GTA). With 20 years of experience in fisheries and marine conservation, he is an expert in tuna, advocacy, and sustainable market tools that drive change in fisheries and seafood supply chains.

Prior to joining the GTA, Mr. Suddaby founded and led the Tuna and Distant Water Fisheries Program at Ocean Outcomes, building effective relationships with longline tuna and supply chain companies to incentivize transformation through tools such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Fishery Improvement Projects. Previously, Mr. Suddaby spent six years as the Deputy Leader of the World Wild Fund for Nature’s (WWF) global fisheries initiative, leading global engagement in tuna fisheries and advocacy in all Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) and providing strategic direction to WWF International on seafood engagement. He also has experience as a Senior Fisheries Certification Manager for the MSC.

About Dr. Keith Sainsbury

Dr. Sainsbury has a background in marine and fisheries research and modeling, including working as a senior principal research scientist and leading major research groups for over 20 years in the Australian federal research organization (CSIRO). Sainsbury also serves as a member of MSC’s Technical Advisory Board and is considered one of the foremost experts on the precautionary approach to fisheries management. In 2004, Dr. Sainsbury was awarded the Japan Prize for his contribution to the understanding and management of shelf ecosystems.

Dr. Sainsbury has been a member of ISSF’s Scientific Advisory Committee since 2015.

Learn more on the ISSF website:

Post Contact: Pattie Sullivan, [email protected]
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