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PI 2.4.1 Outcome (O)

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A multidisciplinary approach to build new designs of biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)

This paper describes new bio non-entangling FAD designs ISSF is developing ("Jelly-FAD") (Recommendations on FAD construction & trials on p. 12, photographic guide on p. 15)

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs
Addressing FAD Ecological Impacts (Infographic)

This infographic explains how tuna fishers use FADs and lists four main ways that FADs affect non-target species (such as sharks and sea turtles) and ocean ecosystems.

Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsInfographics
BioFADs: New Trials and Large-Scale Deployment (infographic)Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsInfographics
Collective Best Practices for Well-Managed FAD Fisheries Guide (PDF)

Best practices for Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) fisheries collaboratively developed by the NGO Tuna Forum

Purse SeineGeneralFIP ActionsOther Papers
Electronic Monitoring Vendors and Data Submission Information

EMS vendors & providers (pp. 1-2)
FAD tracking & echosounder biomass data format guidance (pp. 5-6)
FAD tracking and echosounder biomass data tRFMO recipients (pp. 3)
LL Bycatch raw Data tRFMO recipients (pp. 4)

Longline, Purse SeineBycatch all, EMS, FADsFIP ActionsVoluntary Data Guidelines
FAD Watch: a collaborative initiative to minimize the impact of FADs in coastal ecosystemsPole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsNON-ISSF Tools
Fishery Improvement Projects website

Platform with information on the progress of some tuna fishery improvement projects.

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentNON-ISSF Tools
Showing 1 to 10 of 49 entries