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Management plan

Management plan

The strategy adopted by the management authority to reach established management objectives for a fishery. It generally includes the policy principles and forms of management measures, monitoring, and compliance that will be used to regulate the fishery, such as the nature of access rights, allocation of resources to stakeholders, controls on inputs (e.g., fishing capacity, gear regulations), outputs (e.g., quotas, minimum size at landing), and fishing operations (e.g., calendar, closed areas, and seasons). Ideally, the management plan will also include the formal management/harvest strategy for the fishery or a set of principles and guidelines for the specification, implementation, and review of a formal management strategy for target and non‑target species.



Acceptance and consent to cooperate and follow the fishing policies, regulations, and conservation measures established by an organization (generally an RFMO, but also independent organizations as NGOs), to regulate the fishery resources. The compliance agreements usually imply a system of monitoring or surveillance and penalties in case of breach of agreement.