Dr. Gerald Scott

Dr. Gerald Scott
Member, ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee & Independent Fisheries Scientist
Dr. Scott is an expert on tuna fishery stock assessments. He formerly served as a senior advisor on the US NOAA-Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center’s (Miami, Florida) resource assessment research programs, conducting stock assessment research to support domestic and international management decisions on Atlantic large pelagic fisheries resources. From 2005 to 2010, he served as the elected chair of ICCAT’s Standing Committee on Research and Statistics and was previously the chief US scientist to ICCAT.
Dr. Scott has extensive experience, spanning more than 30 years, conducting quantitative stock assessment research on a diverse set of resources including Atlantic tunas and tuna-like species, marine mammals, coastal migratory pelagic and reef resources.
He holds a PhD (biological oceanography) from the University of Rhode Island and an AB (zoology) from the Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.