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Document: ISSF 2012-15: Workshop on Rights Based Management, Capacity and Buybacks in the EPO. Mexico City, 2012

The Workshop was held as a forum for participants from the Mexican fishing industry and Mexican authorities to review examples and economic cases of rights based management (RBM) systems for potential application in tuna fisheries in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO).

The Workshop reviewed issues relating to overcapacity and its management in all tuna fisheries, especially the EPO, examples of how rights-based management may be developed in the EPO, the use of buybacks, and examples of how rights based management might be used to address particular issues in the EPO tuna fisheries.

The main discussions are summarized below. The Workshop recognized that the process established for introducing RBM would need to carefully consider the complexities of international, multi-species tuna fisheries such as those in the EPO.

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