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Document: ISSF 2009-03: Mitigation of Bycatches in Tuna Purse Seiners. Sukarrieta Meeting, Nov 2009

A meeting focusing on potential mitigation measures related to bycatch in the purse seine fishery on Fish Aggregating Devices was convened by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation, and held at the AZTI laboratory, Sukarrieta, Bizkaia, Spain, 24-27 November 2009. The objective of the meeting was to gather experts in the fields of gear technology, acoustics, shark, and tuna behavior, fisheries, gear experts, and physiologists, to discuss with the skippers of purse seine vessels methods that could be used to mitigate the bycatch of small tunas, sharks, marine turtles and of pelagic bony fishes (mahi-mahis, wahoos, rainbow runners, etc.), in the purse-­seine floating-­object fisheries throughout the world.

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