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PI 1.1.1 Stock Status

ToolGear TypeTopicUseResource Type
A Preliminary Analysis of the Relationship Between the Number of FAD Deployments and the Number of FAD Sets for the EPO Purse-Seine Fishery (PDF)Purse SeineFADsPreassessmentOther Papers
Acoustic Discrimination Technology to Support Selective Fishing (infographic)Purse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsInfographics
Acoustic Discrimination Timeline: Research and Publications (infographic)Purse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsInfographics
Behavior of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and bigeye (T. obsesus) tunas associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs) in the Indian Ocean, assessed through acoustic telemetryPurse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsOther Papers
Behaviour and Vulnerability of Target and Non-Target Species at Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) in the Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fishery Determined by Acoustic TelemetryPurse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsOther Papers
Cannery Data Reports

Provision of cannery data information as a source of operational data for RFMOs. ISSF participating companies provide this type of data following ISSF CM 2.2 (follow link to find downloadable Excel reporting template)

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineOperational DataFIP ActionsOperational Data
Characterization, Communication, and Management of Uncertainty in Tuna Fisheries

This paper reviews the similarities and differences among tuna RFMOs stock assessments, and provides recommendations (p.12)

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineStock StatusFIP Actions, PreassessmentOther Papers
Showing 1 to 10 of 45 entries