La Gestion Durable du Thon: Règles de Contrôle de la Pêche
Harvest control rules, reference points, and harvest management plans (French subtitles)
Harvest control rules, reference points, and harvest management plans (French subtitles)
Sea turtle handling and hook removal (Portuguese subtitles) — a short training video for longline fishers
Sea turtle handling and hook removal (Korean subtitles) — a short training video for longline fishers
Sea turtle handling and hook removal (Chinese subtitles) — A short training video for longline fishers.
Sea turtle handling and hook removal (Indonesian narration and subtitles) — a short training video for longline fishers
A review of ISSF progress since the Foundation’s inception.
This animated video shows purse seine fishers both “do’s” and “don’ts” for handling and releasing incidentally caught sharks.
This animated video shows purse seine fishers both “do’s” and “don’ts” for handling and releasing incidentally caught sharks.
This animated video shows purse-seine fishers “do’s” and “dont’s” for handling and releasing incidentally caught sharks.
This animated video shows longline fishers how to handle and release seabirds that have been incidentally caught.