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Author: svanouse

ISSF Position Statements Outline Priorities for Three Tuna RFMOs as They Prepare for Online Annual Meetings

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has published its position statements in advance of three regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) meetings this fall: the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) Annual Meeting, which is being conducted by correspondence; the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) 95th Meeting, to be held virtually November 30-December 4; and the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) 17th Regular Session, to be held virtually December 8-15. 

Find out which #sustainable #fishing issues ISSF is urging three #tuna #RFMOs -- #ICCAT, IATTC, and #WCPFC -- to address at their year-end annual meetings. Click To Tweet

The impacts of COVID-19 have challenged RFMOs in conducting their meetings in 2020. All tuna RFMOs have had to cancel or postpone some in-person meetings and hold others virtually or by other means. 

“Despite the limitations created by the COVID-19 pandemic, ISSF believes that RFMOs have a duty to continue making progress on the long-term sustainable use of tuna stocks,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “RFMOs have come a long way in recent years — on the adoption of measures for FAD management, harvest control rules, stronger vessel monitoring systems, and increased observer coverage and standards for electronic monitoring or reporting— but still have a long way to go. There are significant challenges brought about by this pandemic, both in terms of decision-making and monitoring, but they are not insurmountable, and we believe progress can and must be made to ensure the sustainable management of global tuna stocks and marine ecosystems.” 

Priority positions for each of these three RFMOs are outlined below. 

ISSF Recommended Priorities for ICCAT (Meeting By Correspondence) 

  • Ensure that Recommendations that are about to partially or fully expire continue to be effective throughout 2021
  • Adopt a work plan for fish aggregating devices (FADs) with a timeframe to transition to FADs without nets and made primarily with biodegradable materials, develop recovery policies and a marking scheme, and require FAD position data and acoustic records
  • Accelerate the adoption of harvest strategies for tropical tunas
  • Adopt minimum standards for electronic monitoring to require 100% observer coverage (human and/or electronic) for all major ICCAT fisheries, and all vessels engaged in at-sea transshipment, within five years
  • Request the Compliance Committee to address the existing non-compliance with FAD data reporting requirements

ISSF Recommended Priorities for IATTC (Meeting November 30-December 4)

  • In 2020, adopt a robust conservation management measure to replace the expiring resolutions that is precautionary and based on scientific advice
  • Request the Scientific Staff to provide science-based limits on FAD numbers, deployments and/or sets; and amend resolutions in 2020 or 2021 to include clear timelines to develop FAD marking guidelines, transition to fully non-entangling FADs and the use of biodegradable materials, FAD recovery mechanisms, and provide FAD position data
  • In 2021, speed up development of management strategy evaluations (MSE) for bigeye, skipjack and yellowfin
  • Develop in 2021 a work plan for an electronic monitoring (EM) and e-reporting program and to establish fleet-wide observer program (either human or electronic) for small purse -seine vessels by 2022
  • By 2022, adopt Port State Measures
  • By 2021, establish a work plan for a scheme of responses to non-compliance and audit points

ISSF Recommended Priorities for WCPFC (Meeting December 8-15)

  • Ensure that the existing tuna conservation measure (CMM 2018-01) does not lapse
  • Adopt a work plan for FADs with a timeframe to transition to FADs without nets and made primarily with biodegradable materials, develop recovery policies and a marking scheme, and require FAD position data and acoustic records
  • Adopt minimum standards for the use of electronic monitoring in WCPFC fisheries
  • Advance the adoption of target reference points for bigeye and yellowfin and adopt a harvest control rule for skipjack
  • Accelerate the remaining work to reform the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), including allowing observer participation

Read the full IATTC, ICCAT and WCPFC Position Statements on the ISSF website. The IATTC and ICCAT Position Statements are also available in translation. 

ISSF Global Priorities for Tuna RFMOs

ISSF is committed to advocating for science-based approaches, policies and conservation measures to advance tuna fisheries sustainability. Here are ISSF’s Global Priorities for four Tuna RFMOs — the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC):

  • Implementation of rigorous management procedures, including harvest control rules and reference points
  • Effective management of fleet capacity, including developing mechanisms that support developing coastal state engagement in the fishery
  • Science-based FAD management & non-entangling and biodegradable FAD designs
  • Increased member compliance with all adopted measures, and greater transparency of processes reviewing member compliance with measures
  • Strengthened monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS) measures and increased observer coverage, including through modern technologies such as electronic monitoring and e-reporting
  • Adoption of best-practice bycatch mitigation and shark conservation and management measures

Newest ISSF Participating Tuna Company Compliance Report Shows 99.4 Percent Conformance with ISSF Conservation Measures

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has released its fifth annual Update to ISSF Conservation Measures & Commitments Compliance Report, which shows a conformance rate of 99.4 percent by 25 ISSF participating companies with all 27 ISSF conservation measures in effect as of October 1, 2019.

As part of its commitment to foster transparency and accountability in the fishing industry, ISSF engages third-party auditor MRAG Americas to assess ISSF participating seafood companies’ compliance with ISSF conservation measures according to a rigorous audit protocol.

25 participating #seafood companies worldwide have achieved a 99.4% conformance rate with ISSF #conservation measures for #sustainable #tuna #fishing. Click To Tweet

The November 2020 report is based on updates to the initial annual audit results published in April 2020, wherein some companies had “minor” or “major” non-conformances with conservation measures in the prior year:

  • The April 2020 annual report showed that one company had four major non-conformances, and two companies had one minor non-conformance each.
  • There were no other instances of major non-conformance reported in 2020.

MRAG Americas defines a minor non-conformance as: “Company does not fully comply with a particular conservation measure or commitment, but this does not compromise the integrity of ISSF initiatives.”

The rate of full conformance for each period since participating-company compliance reporting began is reflected below:

June 2015: 79.8 percent No Update report published in 2015
June 2016: 87.2 percent November 2016: 95.6 percent
May 2017: 97.5 percent November 2017: 100 percent
June 2018: 97 percent November 2018: 99 percent
April 2019: 98.5 percent November 2019: 99 percent
April 2020: 99.1 percent November 2020: 99.4 percent

 “Since 2015, we’ve seen consistent growth in the conformance rate of our participating companies with ISSF conservation measures, regularly exceeding 90 percent in full rate of conformance and achieving nearly 100 percent in most recent years,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “The compliance and audit process helps ISSF hold industry participants to a high standard with reliable transparency. The world’s leading seafood companies are driven to make sustainability a central part of how they do business.”   

The Update to ISSF Conservation Measures & Commitments Compliance Report is published each November to track ISSF participating companies’ progress in conforming with ISSF conservation measures like these:

In addition to the summary compliance reports published in April and November, MRAG Americas issues yearly individual ISSF participating company reports that detail each company’s compliance with all ISSF conservation measures. These include “update” reports, published throughout the year, that explain how individual companies have remediated any non-conformance on the conservation measures.

More Information about ISSF Conservation Measures & Compliance

For long-term tuna sustainability, tuna companies worldwide choose to participate with ISSF, follow responsible fishing practices, and implement science-based conservation measures. From bycatch mitigation to product traceability, ISSF participating companies have committed to conforming to a set of conservation measures and other commitments designed to drive positive change — and to do so transparently through third-party audits.

View ISSF Conservation Measures

View ISSA Compliance Policy

ISSF Announces First Conservation Measure Addressing Social and Labor Standards

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) today announced the adoption of a new conservation measure requiring ISSF participating companies to develop and publish a public social and labor standards and/or sourcing policy that applies to the company and its entire supply chain. The measure will be in effect for processors, traders, importers, transporters, marketers and others involved in the seafood industry associated with ISSF and includes production facilities and fishing and supply vessels. 

Our latest #conservation measure requires ISSF participating #seafood companies to have policies for social and labor standards on #fishing #vessels that supply their #tuna. Click To Tweet

“With the announcement of this conservation measure, ISSF is pleased to formalize our commitment to social and labor standards in global tuna fisheries, a topic we have increasingly supported as our work toward sustainable fisheries has evolved,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “Conservation Measure 9.1 Public Policy on Social and Labor Standards joins the now dozens of ISSF conservation measures for sustainability best practices. With the majority of the world’s canned tuna processing capacity conforming to these measures — and with major tuna companies being transparently audited against them — we are driving unique and positive change across the world’s tuna fisheries.”

Conservation Measure 9.1 Public Policy on Social and Labor Standards states that processors, traders, importers, transporters, marketers and others involved in the seafood industry shall develop and publish a public social and labor standards policy and/or sourcing policy that applies to it and its supply chain, including production facilities and fishing and supply vessels, that addresses, at a minimum, the following categories:

  • Forced labor
  • Child labor
  • Freedom of association
  • Wages, benefits and employment contracts
  • Working hours
  • Health and safety
  • Discrimination, harassment and abuse
  • Grievance mechanisms

Under the new measure, a company policy will be considered public if it is published on the company’s website or is otherwise available to the general public. The conservation measure will go into effect on January 1, 2021. 

About ISSF Conservation Measures & Compliance Process

ISSF is a global partnership among scientists, the tuna industry and the environmental non-governmental community whose mission is to undertake science-based initiatives for the long-term conservation and sustainable use of tuna stocks, reducing bycatch and promoting ecosystem health.

Since its inception in 2009, ISSF has adopted conservation measures and commitments to facilitate this mission with the intent that processors, traders, marketers and others involved in the seafood industry will follow them to facilitate real and continuous improvement across global tuna stocks. Each ISSF participating company commits to conform to these conservation measures to improve the long-term health of tuna fisheries. They also must adhere to the ISSA Compliance Policy.

ISSF participating tuna companies, which represent the majority of the world’s canned-tuna production and include well-known brand names, are audited yearly by MRAG Americas on their compliance with ISSF conservation measures.

ISSF Launches Additional Tool for Transparency with New “Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives (VOSI)” List

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has developed “Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives (VOSI)” — a first-of-its-kind searchable, online list of vessels worldwide that are fishing in a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)-certified tuna fishery and/or participating in a tuna Fishery Improvement Project (FIP). 

“Fishing vessels are on the front lines of our collective work toward sustainable fisheries,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “Our newest vessel list, which requires participating vessels to go through a third-party auditing process, offers more verified transparency when it comes to FIPs and vessels in MSC-certified fisheries. Giving the public more information via the VOSI helps to recognize those vessels that are part of the sustainability solution.”

VOSI is a new searchable, online list of #vessels worldwide fishing in an #MSC-certified tuna fishery and/or participating in a #tuna #FIP. Click To Tweet

Stakeholders who want to identify vessels that have made sustainability commitments can consult VOSI and download its vessel data to their desktops in a convenient CSV format. VOSI users can search and filter the vessel list and view pop-up profiles for each vessel that include radio call sign, year built, vessel dimensions, and more. Each record in VOSI:

  • Displays a vessel’s Unique Vessel Identifier (UVI) number and UVI type along with vessel flag and vessel type
  • Indicates whether the vessel is listed in the PVR and/or the Record of Large-Scale Purse Seine Vessels
  • Links to information about the MSC-certified fishery and/or FIP the vessel is in as shown on the MSC and websites

VOSI — with more than 150 vessels already listed — is the latest ISSF online resource focused on MSC-certified tuna fisheries and tuna FIPs. At its launch, VOSI comprises only large scale purse-seine vessels. In the future, vessels of all gear types in MSC-certified tuna fisheries or tuna FIPs will be included and can now apply for listing. Similarly, additional sustainability commitments by vessels beyond FIPs and MSC fisheries may be tracked via VOSI in coming years.

All vessels listed on VOSI are subject to regular third-party audits conducted by MRAG Americas, and the audit protocol is available on the ISSF website and was developed in consultation with MSC and Vessels interested in applying to be listed in VOSI can access an application form here

As a transparency tool, VOSI complements ISSF’s other public vessel lists: the ProActive Vessel Register, Record of Large-scale Purse Seine Vessels and the Tuna Vessel IMOs and UVI Numbers. Vessels in VOSI can be cross-listed in the Record and/or apply to be listed in the PVR. Fishing vessels can register on the PVR to show how they are following a suite of science-based best practices that support sustainable tuna fisheries.

ISSF Position Statement Outlines Top Asks for Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, Including More Robust Rebuilding Plan for Yellowfin Tuna

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) published its position statement in advance of the 24th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), which will take place virtually November 2-6.  

The impacts of COVID-19 have challenged regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) in conducting their meetings in 2020. IOTC cancelled its in-person annual Commission and Working Party meetings, which are now taking place online.

ISSF's position statement details the #sustainable #tuna #fishing issues we are urging #IOTC to discuss at its virtual annual meeting in November. Click To Tweet

Even under these historically unique, pandemic-caused circumstances, ISSF believes IOTC must press forward on collaborative discussions and take decisions to ensure the uninterrupted, sustainable management of tuna stocks and marine ecosystems under its purview. Several critical measures and issues that require immediate attention and action by IOTC this year into 2021 are detailed in ISSF’s statement.

As in 2019, given the serious risk of further declines in the status of the stock, ISSF’s highest priority for IOTC is that it adopt this year an effective rebuilding plan for yellowfin tuna aligned with recommendations from IOTC’s own Scientific Committee. If implemented effectively, this would imply a 15%-20% reduction from the 2017 yellowfin catch levels. The interim-rebuilding plan adopted last year in Resolution 19/01 did not fully incorporate the Committee’s yellowfin advice, and it allowed for growth in some fishery sectors. In addition, reported over-catches in contravention of the Resolution is further eroding its effectiveness. 

“Yellowfin stock status in Indian Ocean fisheries remains a clear concern,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “To rebuild the stock, IOTC must adopt a measure in 2020 that fully incorporates the recommendations of its own Scientific Committee, ensures all gears and fleets harvesting yellowfin are included, and addresses non-compliance with the interim rebuilding plan. For fisheries management, COVID-19 presents many obstacles, but the Commission is responsible for this critical resource and should take immediate action to conserve it.” 

ISSF’s other top “asks” of IOTC for its upcoming meeting agenda are:  

  • Urgently monitor and manage catches of skipjack to ensure catches in 2020/2021 do not exceed the limit set by the adopted Harvest Control Rule in Resolution 16/02
  • Conduct management strategy evaluation (MSE) for albacore, bigeye, skipjack and yellowfin tuna stocks, and adopt species-specific management procedures, particularly for yellowfin
  • Request the Scientific Committee provide science-based limits on FAD deployments and/or FAD sets; develop recommendations in 2021 and adopt, by 2022, FAD marking guidelines, including the requirement to mark both the buoy and the FAD structure
  • Develop and adopt minimum standards for electronic monitoring systems (EMS) and an e-reporting information system both for logbooks and observers for all gears in 2021 so that large-scale purse seine vessels — and all vessels engaged in at-sea transshipment, regardless of gear type — are required to have 100% observer coverage within five years

Read the full IOTC Position Statement on the ISSF website.

ISSF Global Priorities for Tuna RFMOs

ISSF is committed to advocating for science-based approaches, policies and conservation measures to advance tuna fisheries sustainability. Here are ISSF’s Global Priorities for four Tuna RFMOs — the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC):

  • Implementation of rigorous management procedures, including harvest control rules and reference points
  • Effective management of fleet capacity, including developing mechanisms that support developing coastal state engagement in the fishery
  • Science-based FAD management & non-entangling and biodegradable FAD designs
  • Increased member compliance with all adopted measures, and greater transparency of processes reviewing member compliance with measures
  • Strengthened monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS) measures and increased observer coverage, including through modern technologies such as electronic monitoring and e-reporting
  • Adoption of best-practice bycatch mitigation and shark conservation and management measures

ISSF Adds WWF’s Dr. Vishwanie Maharaj, Noted Fisheries and Seafood Economist, to Environmental Stakeholder Committee

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) announced today that Dr. Vishwanie Maharaj, the lead for tunas and other multilateral fisheries at World Wildlife Fund (WWF-US), is appointed to its Environmental Stakeholder Committee (ESC).

“Dr. Maharaj is a strong addition to our already deep bench of conservation and scientific experts on the ESC,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “She comes to the committee with more than 20 years of experience navigating the fishery policy issues we deal with every day. Her experience and understanding of Regional Fishery Management Organizations (RFMOs) and projects like the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Program (ABNJ) will be indispensable as we continue to push for policies that promote the long-term sustainability of tuna stocks.” 

Our new Environmental Stakeholder Committee member Dr. Vishwanie Maharaj has more than 20 years of experience in #fishery and #environmental #policy issues. Click To Tweet

Dr. Vishwanie Maharaj is an economist with more than 20 years of experience working on fishery and environmental policy issues through research and engagement of the seafood industry, regional management bodies and non-governmental organizations. Dr. Maharaj is currently the lead for tunas and other multilateral fisheries at WWF-US. In this capacity, she works in close coordination with global and regional leads on overall tuna policy and with markets teams on engaging major retailers to drive sustainable sourcing of tuna products. Her more recent work focused on engagement in the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Bank ABNJ projects, using market incentives to reform Indonesian tuna fisheries and work to address overcapacity and improve business performance in the Eastern Pacific tropical tuna fisheries. Prior to her work at WWF, Dr. Maharaj held senior positions at the Environmental Defense Fund, South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council and a trade association. She holds a doctoral degree in marine resource economics from the University of Rhode Island and an undergraduate degree in oceanography from the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom.

About the ISSF Environmental Stakeholder Committee

The ESC comprises expert representatives from various conservation bodies who volunteer to share their expertise. The ESC, as does ISSF’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), provides advice to the ISSF Board of Directors on issues to consider before taking action on specific sustainability efforts, including regarding ISSF conservation measures.

The ESC Board members are: 

  • Sonja Fordham, Shark Advocates International
  • Dr. Eric Gilman, The Nature Conservancy
  • Bill Holden, Chair, ISSF Environmental Stakeholder Committee | Senior Tuna Fisheries Outreach Manager, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
  • Jennifer Dianto Kemmerly, Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch
  • Sara Lewis, FishWise
  • Dr. Vishwanie Maharaj, World Wildlife Fund-US
  • Dr. Alexia Morgan, Science Lead for Tuna and Large Pelagic Species, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP)
  • Dr. Tom Pickerell, Global Tuna Alliance

ISSF Report Estimates at Least 1,721 Purse Seine Vessels Authorized to Fish for Tuna Worldwide Today, a Slight Decrease Since 2019 Analysis

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has updated its Large-Scale Tuna Purse Seine Fishing Fleets report as of June 2020. The total number of purse seine vessels, calculated based on data from the five tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs), has decreased from 1,843 in 2019 to 1,721 today. 

#Purse #seine vessels account for approximately 66% of the 4.9-million-tonne annual global #tuna catch. Click To Tweet

Having an accurate estimate of active vessels is critical for managing tuna fishing capacity regionally as well as globally. Although purse seine vessels account for approximately 66 percent of the 4.9-million-tonne global tuna catch, multiple databases must be searched to compile a count of all authorized purse seine vessels. To provide an annual best estimate — and to track capacity changes from year to year — ISSF analyzes and aggregates information from the five tuna RFMOs and other sources. As the report explains, these figures still may underestimate the total fleet, because many small-scale purse seiners or purse seiners operating in only one exclusive economic zone (EEZ) do not have to be listed on RFMOs’ records of authorized fishing vessels. 

The ISSF report shows approximately 696 vessels (up 1.5 percent from last year) defined as large-scale purse seine (LSPS) vessels targeting tropical tuna species (skipjack, yellowfin, and bigeye), with a combined fish hold capacity of over 874,000 m3 (cubic meters). 

Other report findings about the large-scale purse seine vessels targeting tropical tuna include:

  • About 17 percent of these 696 large-scale vessels are authorized to fish in more than one RFMO, which should be taken into account in any efforts to manage fishing capacity at a regional level.
  • Among the RFMOs, the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) still has the highest number of LSPS registrations (349), which represents around half of the global fleet. 
  • The majority of large-scale vessels (517) are registered on the ISSF ProActive Vessel Register (PVR); PVR-registered LSPS represent 74 percent in number and 83 percent in fish hold volume (FHV).

The report also covers purse-seine vessel construction, distribution, and FHV by national flag. It offers recommendations for vessel owners on the use of IMO numbers as unique vessel identifiers and for RFMOs on vessel-data collection and management. View the updated report here. View a related infographic here.

ISSF Welcomes SAPMER as New Participating Company

SAPMER is the latest seafood company to join in the conservation efforts of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF). ISSF participating companies work with the Foundation to advocate for sustainable tuna fishery management and encourage the adoption of responsible fishing practices.​

SAPMER, a #fishing operator in the French Southern and Antarctic seas, joins ISSF as a participating #seafood company. Click To Tweet

“SAPMER‘s decision to become an ISSF participating company is an important commitment to science-based fishery stewardship,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “We welcome SAPMER’s engagement with our conservation measures to make progress on sustainable tuna fishing practices.” 

All ISSF participating companies are independently audited annually to assess their compliance with ISSF’s conservation measures, the results of which are published in the ISSF compliance report and the ISSF annual report. ISSF also publishes individual compliance reports for each ISSF participating company. View Sapmer’s compliance report here

ISSF launched in 2009 with eight participating companies and today has 26 industry partners, including well-known brands produced and sold in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Pacific Islands and Asia.

PT Avila Prima, formerly an associate ISSF participating company, was recently terminated by the Foundation. 


Founded in 1947 in Reunion Island, SAPMER is a pioneering fishing operator in the French Southern and Antarctic seas (TAAF). SAPMER operates a fleet of four longliners fishing for Patagonian toothfish, a pot vessel for rock lobster, and nine purse seiners for tropical tunas. Both the toothfish and rock lobster fisheries are Marine Stewardship Council certified.