Record of Large-Scale Purse Seine Vessels
ISSF’s Record of Large-Scale Purse Seine Vessels (LSPSR) lists the name, flag, authorized RFMO, and UVI number — along with other characteristics — of large-scale purse-seine vessels worldwide fishing for tropical tuna.
A verified resource for sustainable-fishing stakeholders
The LSPSR (or “Record”) helps fisheries policymakers and sustainability stakeholders to track and assess fishing capacity in the global purse-seine fleet, which harvests more than 60% of the total tuna catch.
As part of their responsibility, Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMOs) must oversee fleet capacity in their regions, since excess fishing capacity can lead to overfishing, which harms stocks and damages the marine ecosystem.
Related Conservation Measure
The LSPSR supports ISSF Conservation Measure 6.1 (Transaction Ban for Large-Scale Purse-Seine Vessels not Actively Fishing for Tuna as of December 31, 2012).
Vessel Conditions
In the Record, an asterisk ( * ) after the vessel name indicates that the vessel has met all of these conditions:
- Has sunk, has been scrapped or otherwise permanently transferred out of the tropical tuna fishery
- Had not ceased fishing operations prior to January 1, 2010
- Has provided a Vessel Removal Form or Vessel Replacement Form
We maintain a separate list of vessels that have been delisted from or relisted on the LSPSR.
LSPSR records can be downloaded in CSV format.
Information for Vessel Owners
Owners of purse seiners listed in the Record must notify ISSF when a vessel has sunk, has been scrapped, or has otherwise been permanently transferred out of the tropical tuna fishery. Use the Vessel Removal Form or Vessel Replacement Form to contact us.
- Owners may be able to replace their listings of sunk, scrapped, or transferred vessels with listings of newly built large-scale purse seine vessels.
- Vessel characteristics must be verified by a third-party auditor if the vessel’s capacity is used to bring a “new” vessel online.
See ISSF Conservation Measure 6.2 to learn more about these requirements.
LSPSR Data Sources
ISSF compiles the purse-seine vessel information in the Record of Large-Scale Purse-Seine Vessels from:
- Tuna RFMO Regional Vessel Registers
- IHS Register
- National governments
- Research institutes
- Tuna fishing industry
We do not independently verify vessel characteristics (including capacity), however, when listing vessels.
LSPSR Resources
Vessel Removal Form [MS Word]
Vessel Replacement Form [MS Word]
Delisting or Relisting Procedure [MS Word]
Delisted or Relisted Vessels [MS Word]
Corrections & Additions
If you believe you have found an error in the LSPSR, or have additional vessel information for us to consider, we welcome your assistance.