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Document: A Preliminary Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Fishing for Global Tuna Fisheries Relative to Marine Stewardship Council Criteria

In this report, we carry out a  pre-assessment  for  tuna  fisheries  focusing  specifically  on  Principle  2  (environmental impact) of the Marine Stewardship Council species  across  tuna-RFMO areas  and  gear  types.  This undertaking involves  hundreds  of  species  and  over  70 RFMO-gear  combinations.

The Principle 2 evaluation is preliminary, and we are seeking comments from experts that will help us finalize a product that we hope will be as useful as the report on tuna scores for Principles 1 and 3. We invite you to read this report, which focuses on the methodology used, and the accompanying Productivity Susceptibility Analysis (PSA) scores. You can provide us with your input through a survey.

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